A Letter to a Fellow Patriot

Written by Robert Morss

Dear Fellow Patriot,

I want to personally thank you for taking the time to participate in The Patriot Mail Project or The Patriot Freedom Project and reach out to support/encourage me.  I am enduring the hardest challenge of my life so far and your well timed mail has truly been an outstanding assistance to my state of mind and courage.  Your love is a strong foundation that I can lean on when times get tough, so I am deeply grateful for your light of hope you have sent into a very dark place.

I really appreciate the kindness and compassion you have shown me.  I want you to know that your card/letter was a huge blessing to me.  Your uplifting efforts had their desired effect.  The day I received your hopeful message in the mail, I knew I could get through the day, and the next one after that.  Your card/letter was joined by many other incredible words of encouragement sent to me from across the country.  Your efforts of support joined a national grassroots movement to pray for, uplift, and encourage America’s first Political Prisoners. You helped me believe, even from behind bars, in the country that I love, once again.  Thank you very very much.

Though we have never met, I consider you a friend.  I am grateful for your heart, and I think it’s safe to say that you and I have a lot in common with one another. Not only are we united in faith, but we are also united in our beliefs for this country.  So, since you spent time encouraging a fellow patriot, let me return the favor now to you.

I want to let you know that my family, patriots like yourselves, and our Father in heaven have, and continue to, sustain me through this present darkness.  Let your neighbors, family, fellow supporters of the cause that unites us know that, my chin is still held high.  Everything I have been through has failed to corrupt my character, of which I am deliberately and intentionally maintaining.  This situation will not break me, only build me. My hope and my trust is in the Lord so I have no one to fear.

You have contributed to my confidence and I will continue to honor you and your family with my actions. I will not let you down. You have not wasted your time, energy, resources, and prayers on me.

You happen to have written a passionate Lord of the Rings fan and I hope that between you and the individuals you share this letter with, there is at least one L.O.T.R. fan between you, so my analogy makes sense.  The reason I bring those books and movies up in this letter to you, is because that story reminds me of a moment within “our own story” that we may be able to relate with that fantasy classic.

Within the pages of the books, or amongst the three movies of The Lord of The Rings, the audience is introduced to how not just a single brave Hobbit, or a Fellowship of the Ring strives to save the day, but that every faction, race, and creature must join together in order to save their homeland “Middle Earth” from assured destruction.  Even the trees of this unforgettable tale play a crucial role in order to prevent “the bad guys” from achieving victory and ensure the survival of the beloved characters as they persevere towards the impossible task of saving Middle Earth once and for all. 

Though the Lord of the Rings is just a story, timeless as it may be, America and her people have also entered an age of similar demands.  Now our nation’s fate and the future of our children rests upon each and every one of us who calls this place home to become personally invested in our story’s outcome.

Now while I don’t think the trees will personally get involved in the preserving of our nation’s liberty as they did for “Free Peoples of Middle Earth” in The Lord of the Rings, but like that story literally everyone of us must act should we see a future of freedom that our founding fathers intended for us. 

“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.”

For we are instructed in the book of James in the Bible that, “faith without works is dead”.  You have already done more than most by sending me a message in a bottle to strengthen my resolve, and you should be proud of that outreaching encouragement.  I urge you now to consider encouraging those neighbors, family, friends, fellow supporters of the cause, Congressmen/women, even yourselves, to do the very same you recommend to me.  For you have reminded me that I am not alone in spirit, but now I cannot be alone in sacrificial dedication.  It is time for us to deliberately work for the country we want or labor for what is left of it.

We can no longer anticipate that someone else or someone more qualified that I, will set things right.  We no longer have time for “sunshine patriotism.”  We have been commanded by the most high God to be strong and courageous because the Lord of heaven and earth will never leave us, nor forsake us.  Our God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called!

As a high school history teacher, I feel obliged and have the pleasure of retelling a swift yet cherished story for you, even though you’ve probably heard this one before.

On December 7th 1941, our country was viciously attacked at Pearl Harbor.  Many lives were taken and many vessels of our Navy were destroyed.  America would officially enter the second world war in response to that attack.  In consideration of the outcome and unfolding events after our naval Base in Hawaii was ambushed by the Japanese forces, it is said that the Emperor of Japan or the Admiral of the fleet of The Rising Sun remarked that their decision to launch an assault on America, has “awakened a sleeping giant.” Now that story, like the Lord of the Rings, may have been a fantasy, but the main character of that story who struck fear into the hearts of the Japanese leadership is quite real and is the individual reading this letter. For the observation of a giant arising from its slumber was not a comment based on folklore, it was a realization that We the People were about to get involved.

Another interesting correlation one could also make from the Lord of the Rings story and to present times, is that it’s characters of heroes and common folk alike, faced an enemy that ages ago their ancestors also faced and had to defeat.  For the timeline that the audience follows, those beloved characters are inspired by the example left behind by their forefathers of how every faction, every race, and every creature must once again put their petty differences aside, honor old alliances, and embrace the hour to draw swords together, to wade into battle for the survival of those they love, one last time.

We too must arise so that like our fathers before us, we can show the world and our adversaries what a fully awake and aware Giant is capable of.

You are now a continuation of that legacy, both in legend and of history.  But there is no Giant if only a handful of men and women volunteer.  We need as many people as possible to get engaged in the hour that is upon us.  We need to remember the sacrifices and courage shown by our ancestors and we must realize qualified or not, we are being called!  Because with enough people, we can change the world!

In closing, I want to write for you a portion a famous speech that conveniently summarizes the moment in time we are in.  The words you are about to read hung above the bedroom door of my apartment before I lost it due to my current circumstances.  These words motivated me to leave home at the age of 17 and become an Airborne Ranger in the Second Ranger Battalion. These words motivated me to dedicate my entire adult life to making a difference as a High School teacher and motivated me to arrive in Washington DC on January 6th.

“Freedom is never more than on generation away from extinction.  We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream.  The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it, and then hand it on to them with well thought lessons of how they, in their lifetime, must do the same.  And if you and I do not do this, then you and I may very well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in America when men were free.”

This excerpt is from a speech by President Ronald Reagan. The speech is called “A Time For Choosing”.. The time is now!

I want to thank you once again for your support and encouragement.  Your well timed message in a bottle was a blessing to my life, and you have already made a difference.  “Stay the course”. Please encourage and inform others of my plight and the fatal trajectory of the country.  My incarceration is enough evidence to suggest that the America we knew, loved, and trusted is in jeopardy.  This America which was intentionally designed by our founding fathers to keep government in it’s proper limited place while providing citizens with equal opportunity to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is now experiencing the gradual swallowing entropy of avarice, hubris, and indolence has been executed in our life times!

However, with your encouragement of me and your decisive action, you give me hope that together we can keep this Republic.  So long as our citizens have eyes that can see, and ears that can hear, this “city on a hill of freedom” will endure for generations to come and shall not perish from the earth!

Once again thank you for your support, and thank you for taking the time to read this letter.  I am one of America’s first political prisoners but if the giant stays asleep, if we the people do not take responsibility and re-claim our unalienable rights, then I unfortunately will not be the last….

Remember that you are brave, remember your strength, and remember that you are not descended from fearful men.

“If not here, where?  If not now, when? If not you, who?

Humbly and faithfully yours,

Your Political Prisoner,

Robert A. Morss

Aka The Lego Man

Philippians 1:3-8

Hebrews 10:32-37

Deuteronomy 31:6-8

Hebrews 13:1-3

1 Peter 5:6-11

Romans 8:18

Philippians  4:4-13

Romans 8:28