Welcome From Robert

Howdy! Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to visit your friendly neighborhood LegoMan. I’m glad you’re here.

I’ve learned over the years that there are three different categories that one can appreciate their country. Category 1: the nation’s territory or land itself, Category 2: the nation’s citizens or people, and Category 3: the nation’s government. I cherish and adore our nation’s breathtaking land. Where there is a painting, there is an artist. I respect, admire and have faith in our nation’s beautiful and diverse people. But I am very unimpressed with our nation’s current government.

Our land and our people deserve better from our nation’s government but the only way to understand what citizens of a constitutional republic like ours deserves from its government, is to have a firm comprehension of our history, our God given rights, and especially a firm grip on the truth- all of which have been deliberately hidden from the incredible people of this magnificent land by our government for far too long.

My hope is that after being confronted with my story, what I have endured, and how I am now caught up in events that will effect every American’s future, you too will be motivated to seek more of the facts, demand better results from our government and allow the truth to set you free.

I look forward to the day when we can meet and converse with each other personally. Until then, I invite you to get to know me like a friend and to understand the bigger picture of what is sadly taking place in this country, perhaps for your first time. Whether you visit a single link, click on a few educational resources, or stay on the website all day, I am grateful for your visit. I hope you pass this website along to a friend. And know that regardless of your political opinion, I believe that you deserve better from this government. I believe you shouldn’t live in a country that has political prisoners. And ultimately, I believe in you.

Thank you for stopping by. Before you go and seize the day, I want to remind you that you are not descended from fearful men. And if we are willing to maintain our bravery and our integrity while being armed with the truth, we will see these days renewed. God bless America, her people, and its government. And especially, God bless you. Thank you for visiting your friendly neighborhood Lego Man.

-Robert Morss AKA The Lego Man